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BeShamanic Facebook Round-up November 2024

Richard Valintine

I have a 6pm slot opened up on Monday 4th Nov in Neath if anyone feels the need for a post Samhain clearout and reset. Just get in touch. 

If you're interested in adding a new dimension to your current healing practice, or want to learn more about the magic of the Runic codes of life and creation, if you enjoy working with sound and want to expand the the use of your sacred voice, then get in touch for the last few remaining places in the circle.

Are you the puppeteer of your life or is someone or something else pulling your strings. Do you really know where your intentions are coming from? Are you aware of the patterns of karma and psychological aggregates playing through you?

Book a shamanic session and help yourself snip the strings that may be be controlling you.....

There are going to be people, pretty much most days, that will want to drag you into an involution of misery, conflict or provocation. In this current humanity, governed fully by the ego, this energy projection is guaranteed.

The projections aren't random either. Most are actually very calculated attack plans by the multitudinous 'I's lurking in the unconscious individuals Underworld, intent on getting energy and validation, no matter how and in what form. They may need to feel superior, need recognition, power or emotional crutches.

If your own ego aggregates are unstable, fragile or out of balance, then you will easily react. What better way to steal energy but through your own reaction? What tends to ensue is an argument based on one upmanship. A shitty dance of unhealed wounds, pride, fear, anger and insecurity.

The Ego's game is to win, but in reality, the only winners are the hyperdimensional forces of mechanical nature keeping you trapped under the surface 'tension' of your own liberation from this 'non' sense....

If you recognise the value of your own energy as the magic you use to create a beautiful life for yourself, then why would you invest it in something that doesn't 'appreciate' or bare good fruit? It's folly.

You have the power to say no to pettiness, tyranny and provocation. Elevate your awareness and take the pragmatic bigger picture. You don't 'owe' anyone else any reaction or anything for that matter.

Let the masses trapped in these patterns be. You don't have to feed and enable their karma. But you can stand as a magnet and light for those READY to recognise their own superpowers.

Heal and be a healer.....Flying with the Raven 2025.

Last chance to book your seats in the circle for Saturday. Why not spend a day in sacred circle feeding the soul and learning something new

When all you see is bloated ego's and fossilised souls trapped in fanatical extremes of religion and politics still able to maintain their morphogenic spell bindings over masses of souls trapped on the very same pendulums of binary consciousness, all you can do is go hunting for fossils that have admitted they've had their day and wish to impart wisdom, not gain power.

Looking forward to Saturdays workshop, Healing with the Runes, always space for a few more if you'd like to come back to grounded reality.

Our physical bodies and personalities are mere bagpipes being inflated and played by the spirit and soul within. Often however, the bagpipe gets too big for its wind bladder and tries to play itself. Normally resulting in an absolute cacophony of soul numbing misery for anyone unfortunate enough to be in earshot.

Sometimes the bagpipe doesn't like the shade or pattern of tartan it's clothed in, or complains it's pipes are too short or wind bag too fat. The player inherits the perfect bagpipe for his or her level of capability and skill, so the bagpipe needs to realise that it should relax and be happy to be in service to the player.

If the bagpipe however continues to resist being played by its life giver, try to 'modify' itself to look better in the eyes of other bagpipes, or wastes its wind tickling itself for pleasurable sensation, the it will very quickly return to the lifeless empty sack that in reality it is.

There is nothing the bagpipe can do 'for' the player, but plenty the player can do to express through the bagpipe.

Why am I talking about bagpipes today? I don't know, I'm in that kind of mood.

For those of you coming to the Rune workshop tommorow, I promise I won't be playing any bagpipes, but we will be playing with a little Shamagic....and always space to squeeze a few more bums on cushions if you want to book in at the 11th hour......

To expand your conscious awareness means coming out of the limiting be-lie-fs that something has to be 'proved' to the 5 senses for it to have any basis in reality. You can't prove to the car that the driver is driving it....

These classes will be starting monthly at Bronleigh House in Neath. The first one is Friday 22nd November.

Mantra is a powerful practice of inner transformation and spiritual development. Each class will be structured around a sacred teaching, the Mantra that we'll be working with for the month, the practice and some group healing.

Tickets are available through my website:

Or contact me directly to book on.

It doesn't feel great when the divine mother boxes you into a corner and only gives you two options, both being less than favourable to whatever ego is resisting the process.....or knowing you could be spending your time far more constructively.

Bring on the speed awareness course

You don't often need a fancy ritual or adjuration prayer, or even a bit of magic to remove Ignorant energies from others, more often than not, you just have to be you and walk in your authenticity.

Just make sure you've got your Shamanic PPE on.

.....all exorcisms by appointment only

This predatory and consumption societal construct, and our own desirous nature's keep us very much trapped in the sympathetic nervous system, most, if not all of the time. In the Genesis story, this is allegorized as 'The tree of Good and Evil'. When we 'eat of the fruit' of this tree we fall into Fear and Desire and forget our True nature. The Parasympathetic nervous system is allegorized as the 'Tree of Life'. Our natural state of peace and harmony.

Don't underestimate the damage we do to ourselves and each other when we live predominantly in Fear and Desire.....

“No one can defeat you unless you have hatred, jealousy, greed, anger, separatism, or ugliness in your heart. These things create holes in your aura through which the dark forces can penetrate and defeat you but if you have love, you have a shield around you. The Teaching says, “God is your shield.” God is love, and His love is a shield around you.”

~ Torkom Saraydarian. 1917 - 1997

Education as Transformation, Volume II, Chapter 18.

The Heart of the Repentant Man, 18th Century

Last few days to book onto Fridays Mantra class at Bronleigh House. We will start this Friday with a journey into simplicity.....

These classes won't be offered online or recorded. The online world has its place but let's not forget the importance of gathering in physical community.

The Ashatvakra Gita, when absorbed with objective reasoning, not subjective fantasy, is a revelatory and beautify self levelling text that can lift the fears of a thousand lifetimes, humble the pride of the most self serving and turn the desires for temporary satiation of the flesh into a longing for relationship with the spirit.

Being liked is over rated. People will either like you because you're creating or feeding their comfort zones and validating their false crowns, or they'll like you for calling out what's holding them in an involution of chaos. The latter is very rare and more often than not results in your crucifixion

If you 'need' to be liked, then ask yourself why.

By the way....I want lots of likes on this post

We are all stuck on the pendulum of the subconscious. Our Underworld is deep and contains the programmed imprints of eons of trauma and ancestral patterning.

Whilst alive in this physical body, we will always feel these subconscious forces acting through us. More often than not we won't be able to avoid falling into them again and again.

Liberation comes from not identifying with them or as them. We are not our 'mechanical nature', unless we choose to be.....

Explore your personal Underworld with a Shamanic session.

Another 'Raven' year has flown by. Doesn't time Fly, with the Raven. Looking forward to our final gathering this weekend where we fly forth out of the nest whilst our personal Sun watches and guides us with curiosity.

There is a big difference between being a victim of circumstances, and having a victim mentality. Life more often than not splatters you with grade A shit . Are you going to grow flowers with it or go home smelling for sympathy.

The unfortunate truth is that 8 billion souls on this blue sphere have ALL been traumatised to varying degrees, some of them even before they popped out of the birth canal or sunroof.

The strength we gain by accepting our natural fragility and vulnerability at the material level of cyclical impermanence allows us to hone the eternally enduring diamond within.

A rough log must make many re-evolutions of the lathe to release the perfect a beautiful bowl within it.

I always find the Winter Solstice a most sacred time if year. A time to actually be at peace and withdraw from the madness of the brainwashed consumptives. A time to align with the energies of the season. — with Wendy Vickery Healing.

Wendy and I always look forward to aligning our work to deliver an immersion day of healing, revelation and community. This year we have a few little extra surprises to bring out the light of the Sun within you all.

Tickets available by contacting us directly or through our websites.

Matter, Mater, matter real or is something that is in constant motion, flux and 're creation' a mere expression of ART?

Our fARTher (bet you read fart) that ART in heaven......

Do you express or repress? Play or stay safe? Are you bringing your unique ART into the world?

The Underworld of our psyches is good at weaving stories and identities around our 'life situations', an actor who has fallen asleep in his or her character will find it hard to move through their 'skandas' or karmic aggregates. Waking up in a dream isn't often easy, but it's necessary to be a conscious creator of it.

Shamanic healing can help you reclaim the parts of yourself still 'I - dentified' with the traumas that the karmic waves of life present the soul. Heal and be real.

Spiritual work requires grounded and committed action to achieve a co creation with divinity. Our souls and physical bodies are the tools divinity can work through to create an 'existence'. An existential comparison to its absolute nature in order to achieve its fullfillment.

Bring your gift to the world......


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I'll be in touch soon.

©2024 Be Shamanic - Richard Valintine.

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