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BeShamanic Facebook Round-up July 2024

Richard Valintine

Love a bit of Marcus Aurelius. Wisdom and comprehension of the laws of creation give some solace to the soul that all evil within the world will eventually wither like dried grass. Balance will always be maintained. Be the balance point within your Self.


A gentle reminder that relationship requires acceptance and dialogue, not control.


Because of course we create our own reality, it is a must that we create consciously else we become the battery pack for someone elses creation. As the multitudes line up to give their power away to an illusion of choice which they can then blame in another 4 years time for not delivering on false promises, I choose to watch the dumbfuckery from a distance. The only mind governance that is needed is that of the sovereign Being within each and every one if us. And if you're not ready to tap into that, at least vote for someone without a stick up their arse...


If you're on a pendulum, the pendulum will give you an illusion of choice. Left or right, up or down, Fear or safety? Either way you're still on the pendulum, and through immutable law of balance and Karma, if you swing it one way, it will eventually swing back the other way. The pendulum is very hypnotic, very seductive, and our inner psychology is full of these pendulums constantly swinging from left to right, creating a problem, then providing the solution. They are called many things in many traditions: Ego's, karma, samskaras, sins, Psychological aggregates, demons.

Right now I like to call them Politicians. They are parasitic in nature and are completely reliant on our precious lifeforce to feed their hypnotic dance within the disempowered mind and heart of humanity. If they don't get the energy food they want, they create an unholy hell of problems within us to try and capture our attention and hence energy flow. Like a spoilt brat throwing a tantrum.

As within So without. The pendulums continue to to swing and yet we remain asleep to their hypnotic suggestions.

True awakening comes from maintaining your perception and attention at the Fulcrum. The still point. Coming put of the mechanicity and surrendering to the divinity within.

No-thing 'out there' will save you. It's all a false promise. How many swings does this humanity need before it real-eyes's?


Once conditioned, our minds are full of inertia. This inertia often requires gargantuan efforts of will power to overcome. Much more infact than accepting the condition in the first place.


The dragon will constantly kick your arse until you figure out that the part of you that is constantly striving to the dragon. What a paradox and what a revelation. The YOU you think you are are NOT the HERO of your story. Your false self is constantly trying to play game of thrones with itself. So 'you' are never going to 'win'.

Cool your guns little striver, you are merely trapped in a lonely ambition. Die, be broken and let humility be your guide. The prodigals son won the keys of the kingdom through defeat.

Stop identifying yourself with the part that needs the accolade, needs to win, needs to gain a following, and more importantly 'needs to know' everything.

The experience of defeat is the experiential gnosis you seek, and there you will be Loved and embraced by the undefeatable.

Stalking the Underworld with the Wolf 2025


If your climbing out of the depths of the abyss every morning, if the view on life is less than inspirational and if the realm of dis-illusion just won't depart ..... consider a shamanic healing. More often than not, the hidden forces like to oppress our minds and energy bodies. There is more to 'mental health' issues than the allopathic system will be aware of.


My medicine has been forged in hellfire and brimstone. The denizons of the Underworld know me well. There is mercy within the deepest severity, and Dragon whispering is my game.

BeReal but GnoThyself.

"I am no wino but I am no saint either. A medicine man should not be a saint.

He should experience and feel all the ups and downs, the despair and joy, the magic and the reality, the courage and the fear. He should be able to sink as low as a bug, or soar as high as an eagle.

Unless he can experience both, he is no good as a medicine man.

You cannot be so stuck up, so inhuman that you want to be pure, your soul wrapped up in a plastic bag, all the time.

You have to be God and the devil, both of them.

Being a good medicine man means being right in the midst of the turmoil, not shielding yourself from it. It means experiencing life in all its phases. It means not being afraid of cutting up and playing the fool now and then.

That is sacred too.

- John Fire Lame Deer (Lakota Medicine Man)


Oh great teapot, save me from my thirst......


Ethics transcend intelligence or ignorance, morality can be subverted by either...


Sometimes you've got to visit a Spire or two to get Inspired. When the glass of your perceptions feel faded and grey, go explore a bit and re find your way.....


Shamanic healings are a great way to reconnect with this 'Earth experience', no matter how challenging or confusing life may feel right now, there's always spirit from the mineral kingdom around to teach you grounding, patience and strength.

I'm taking bookings all through summer in Neath and Cardiff so why not book in. You can check out my website on,

Flying with the Raven 2025 is now full but I may open up two more spaces if expressions of interest are shown within the next 2 months.


The gymnasium of the soul is your physical existence. Your body, your personality, your karma. If someone expects you to 'lift their weights' for them, show them the correct technique then walk away. Your load is already heavy enough.


Twas a divine mother kind of day. The void of creation in which the Christos is born. The fire of fires and light of lights. May the Sun shine well within you today.


A canopy of Runes speaking their messages from creation...


No need to hop on the downward spiral of guilt and misery just because some one invites you too.

Notice the word Invite. The metaphysical law of Invitation is fact. Negativity and life destructive habits can only take hold of and oppress us if we choose to 'Invite' them into our lives.

The doors to the demonic are opened our Will.


As much as there is divine inspiration and beauty in the renaissance structures inspired and built by 'those who Gno', I can't help but feel they can be a distraction to going into the 'true' temple of the soul. Expending attention and energy 'without', stops the true work which is 'within'. Nice columns though...


A human soul has the ability to change and change its mind. To alchemise, transmute and transform energy, patterns and consciousness requires concentration and self awareness.

When I look around at the 'de humanisation' of the human soul through the incessant need for instant dopamine, numbed out distraction and transhumanist fanaticism, I real - eyes that we are at and end point of this civilisation. The soul cannot grow and thrive within an environment of consumption, satiation of desire and ultra comfort.

You have to be willing to go really deep to see the truth of the suffering of the human soul right now. There is a depravity that has hijacked it and made it its slave. What are YOU going to do about it?


Sitting in the void, waiting for the next move, the next inspiration, the next impulse. Yet very content in the stillness of No Thing. I may be here quite a while......


When those in the world seem to be going batshit crazy, know that ignorance ultimately destroys itself. Sometimes observation with compassion is the only thing you can do when it's easier to talk to a tree than another humanoid.


A 4:30pm slot has become available tommorow Tuesday 30th July in Neath if anyone feels the need for a Shamanic session. Maybe some boundaries need strengthening?


Life is life. If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you. Stop trying to change 'it'...


"The problem with excessive empathy is that, while we can understand other people's struggles, others are unable to understand ours."

And then one is the bonfire where no one else lays wood but they come close to warm their hands."

 ♄⃤ꡙ‍ꡙꡌ‍ Ann Everestt



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I'll be in touch soon.

©2024 Be Shamanic - Richard Valintine.

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